Saturday, August 28, 2010

I miss shooting...

We haven't been in the studio for a while, just kinda shooting around town as we go about life with the family. I really miss working with the models, and making art. Life has been getting in the way, and when we have time free, we are spending it with the kids. They went back to school this week, and we wanted to be able to enjoy some time with them before they got plunged back into the whirlwind. I guess that is a good thing, but I do miss the studio.

I've been using the threadless website as an artistic outlet lately, trying to get some t-shirt designs printed. I'll let everyone know when you can go on and vote for my designs. Silly stuff, really, just playing around in illustrator. One of them is a play on "stick a fork in me, I'm done" which I guess is a dated saying, but you'll have that as a over 30-something person... :o)

We have the outdoor lighting class coming up on September 11. We have many people signed up, but there's room for more. there is a Paypal sign-up on the website, or contact us directly at

Monday, June 28, 2010

Oops, forgot to blog...

been such a busy month I forgot to update the blog... We were doing photoshoots, workshops, and presentations for CPS. Check out some of the new images on flicr. We were melting in the studio and have added a nice new air conditioner... now only to figure out how to set it up without having to knock out some of our beautiful window light. July's newsletter will be out soon to fill you in on more details about what we've been up to at BlackWatch Studios.


Monday, May 31, 2010

New Website!!

So the website is finished mostly anyway, at least enough to be uploaded. If anyone sees any glitches or problem areas, feel free to let us know. It has been needing a makeover for a while since I had done the original page with frames, and couldn't enter very many keywords for the site. The look is overall different, and hopefully will be easy to navigate. All of the same content should still be there.

Also, we will be sending out the first edition of the new BlackWatch Studios Newsletter this week. If you have been associated with the studio in the past, you are automatically subscribed to receive a copy. Feel free to pass it along to anyone you feel might enjoy what we do at BlackWatch.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Photoshoot tomorrow...

Its been quite a while since we've been in the studio to do our own art shoot. I really miss it, so I'm excited that we will be shooting tomorrow. Stay tuned to see some new images!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Photography Workshop: Lighting 101

Coming up on July 17, Lighting 101! Here is your chance to be a part of our most talked about workshop. The principals and techniques you learn in this class will apply universally to all lighting situations and will help you whether you are using natural light, on camera flash or studio lights.

Register today before the class fills!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Outdoor Lighting Photography Workshop

We took a little break from all of the home improvement tasks today and scouted out a few places we thought might make a good setting for the class. This place is unbelieveably beautiful, and just perfect for the upcoming outdoor lighting workshop:

Hines Hill Conference Center is situated on the Hines Hill Campus next to the CVNPA Administration Building. Sitting on 60 acres, the conference center offers a private sanctuary in the park...

Saturday, May 22, 2010

First Blog

So I'm new to this blogging thing, be kind...

The studio has been busy the past few months with Lighting Workshops, Photoshop classes, and a few model shoots (not nearly enough of those, however...) the best thing for me about the classes is getting to know a bunch of new people. We've really enjoyed having everyone down to the studio for the classes and workshops so much that we might even start having a "social hour" for class attendees to just come and hang out at the studio, ask any questions you might have now that you've been away from the class for a while, and (hopefully) trying out some of the stuff you've learned.

I started this blog page so that I can keep folks up to date with events at the studio, upcoming classes, and just some random thoughts etc.