Saturday, August 28, 2010

I miss shooting...

We haven't been in the studio for a while, just kinda shooting around town as we go about life with the family. I really miss working with the models, and making art. Life has been getting in the way, and when we have time free, we are spending it with the kids. They went back to school this week, and we wanted to be able to enjoy some time with them before they got plunged back into the whirlwind. I guess that is a good thing, but I do miss the studio.

I've been using the threadless website as an artistic outlet lately, trying to get some t-shirt designs printed. I'll let everyone know when you can go on and vote for my designs. Silly stuff, really, just playing around in illustrator. One of them is a play on "stick a fork in me, I'm done" which I guess is a dated saying, but you'll have that as a over 30-something person... :o)

We have the outdoor lighting class coming up on September 11. We have many people signed up, but there's room for more. there is a Paypal sign-up on the website, or contact us directly at